Paperback Publishing

Authors should consider publishing paperbacks at least once in their life. That gives a great feeling of achievement. You may publish a bunch of your articles as a book , a bunch of poems or thoughts or you may write a thoughtfully compiled novel. It might be a 50 page or a 500 page book but it’s worth considering publishing a paperback for a great sense of accomplishment. Our team of experts in our paperback publishing would be willing to help to fulfil your dream book publication.

Over 500+ paperbacks published so far by Matrubharti Xpert Publishing.

Paperback Publishing Packages

Starter Package

₹5100 / Book

Book Cover design

ISBN for book

Book editing service

2 Author copies

Unlimited copies for Amazon listing

Get 20% royalty on selling price

Professional Package

₹7500 / Book

Book Cover design

ISBN for book

Book editing service

5 Author copies

Unlimited copies for Amazon listing

Get 21% royalty on selling price

Expert Package

₹9900 / Book

Book Cover design

ISBN for book

Book editing service

10 Author copies

Unlimited copies for Amazon listing

Get 25% royalty on selling price

Books Published by Xpert Publishing by Matrubharti

Here is the process


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